Scottish Word: Pump.
“Ooooh mair tea vicar? Ah hope it wisni Elsie’s neep sconettes’ that garred ye pump sae fell.” Translate: pump: break wind, fart. “Ooooh more tea vicar? I do hope it was not Elsie’s small turnip scones … Continue reading Pump.
“Ooooh mair tea vicar? Ah hope it wisni Elsie’s neep sconettes’ that garred ye pump sae fell.” Translate: pump: break wind, fart. “Ooooh more tea vicar? I do hope it was not Elsie’s small turnip scones … Continue reading Pump.
“Fleein in the scud on a besom up here!? Nivir nivir nivir iver – even in Summer – it’s a snell, bitter, cauld affair as onie auld beglamour o salt’ll tell ye.” Translate: beglamour: bewitched. “Flying … Continue reading Beglamour.
“Baith.” Translate: baith: both. “Both of you equally.” For some questions every answer is wrong. The Scottish Word: baith with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Baith.
“Ahm awfie fond o a bit o greenery on ma plettie ken.” Translate: plettie: platform, balcony, (Dundee mainly). “I am exceedingly fond of a little greenery on the balcony you know.” The Scottish Word: plettie with … Continue reading Plettie.
‘Foo is’t, gaffer, that quines nivir git thir piece mankit?’ Translate: piece: sandwich. ‘Boss, how is it that girls never get their sandwich dirty?’ Poise – in my experience girls always seem to have more poise … Continue reading Piece.