Scottish Word: Goller.
Hey Idris ye ken hoo yer mates are gollerin doon the shank: “If yer seein that wee imaginary man aside ye again, yer breather’s fawn aff – get it back oan or ye’ll dee!” Weel they’re … Continue reading Goller.
Hey Idris ye ken hoo yer mates are gollerin doon the shank: “If yer seein that wee imaginary man aside ye again, yer breather’s fawn aff – get it back oan or ye’ll dee!” Weel they’re … Continue reading Goller.
Thon carlie there, he’s the kail-bell so listen oot fur it an be gleg because there’s a slee o glamshachers in this hoose that wid clear the board an leave nithin for those that are slow. … Continue reading Kail-bell.
Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine.
The tounser moose aa’n the teuchter moose. “For the umpteenth time, there’s nae drains awa oot here. So tak yir chantie leavin’s tae the midden aback o the byre whaur ah’m aboot tae empty this pail … Continue reading Tounser.
“It’s a shame so few folk see a real fire noo-a-days. They’re all gettin saft AND saft in the heid with their central heatin an ithir comforts.” Translate: saft: soft. “It is a shame that so … Continue reading Saft.
“Mither! Faither! I’ve sorted oot the mortgage arrears – I bocht the bank. Hello. Hellooo…” Translate: bocht: bought. “Mother! Father! I have sorted out the mortgage arrears – I went and bought the bank. Hello. Hellooo…” … Continue reading Bocht.