Scottish Word: Goller.
Hey Idris ye ken hoo yer mates are gollerin doon the shank: “If yer seein that wee imaginary man aside ye again, yer breather’s fawn aff – get it back oan or ye’ll dee!” Weel they’re … Continue reading Goller.
Hey Idris ye ken hoo yer mates are gollerin doon the shank: “If yer seein that wee imaginary man aside ye again, yer breather’s fawn aff – get it back oan or ye’ll dee!” Weel they’re … Continue reading Goller.
“Ahm thinkin they two numpties are cheating an putting mair than the rasps they pick intae their luggies tae up the wecht.” Translate: luggie: usually a bucket held at one’s waist with twine – used in … Continue reading Luggie.
“Awww Nawww yir no gonna eat that bogie are ye!?” Translate: bogie: a noticeable particle dislodged from, or extracted from, the interior of one’s nostril. “Oh no! You are not going to eat that nose picked … Continue reading Bogie.