Scottish Word: Jine.
Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine.
Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine.
“Oh … I see, yir speciality wafer thin mint fur puddin? Braw.” Translate: braw: very good, fine, splendid. “Oh … I see, your speciality wafer thin mint for dessert? Excellent.” dessert One of my favourite Monty … Continue reading Braw.
“You two can sod off and stap yivverin efter my cake. Yiv eaten ivvery bit o youz’s.” Translate: yivvery, aiverie, aevery:desirous, anxious – to do with hunger. “You two can sod off and stop lusting after … Continue reading Yivvery.
“Thon’s an unfierdy teuchter thon!” Translate: unfierdy: clumsy, awkward. “That is a clumsy bumpkin that is!” clumsy. Quality workers are worth a lot. People I know have been made redundant and it seems to me that … Continue reading Unfierdy.