Scottish Word: Rooze.
Jings, we didni hauf rooze up thon bear by peltin it wi stanes. Oniegate we’re sauf noo Erchie, she’ll be awa lickin her birses at hame. C’mon oot – nae worries, she disni ken aboot this … Continue reading Rooze.
Jings, we didni hauf rooze up thon bear by peltin it wi stanes. Oniegate we’re sauf noo Erchie, she’ll be awa lickin her birses at hame. C’mon oot – nae worries, she disni ken aboot this … Continue reading Rooze.
“Hello wee man. What brings you doon oor bourie on a braw bricht day like the-day?” Translate: bourie: burrow, lair of an animal. “Hello youngster. What brings you down our burrow on such a nice bright … Continue reading Bourie.
“Save yersel son. Let yir brakwast wirm go.” Translate: wirm, wurm: worm. “Save yourself son. Let your breakfast worm go.” subterranean drama. If you were in a hot air balloon looking down on a rainforest it … Continue reading Wirm.
“Ah telt ye tae keep yir stievel bunnet oan tae protect yer napper.” Translate: napper: head. “I warned you, did I not, to keep your hard hat on, to protect your head.” The Scottish Word: napper … Continue reading Napper.