Scottish Word: Glisk.
Yiv glisk’d at that an glisk’d at thon, glisk’d here an glisk’d there. Yiv glisk’d like a stervin loon. Yer fidgin fain tae be at, what, ye dinni ken, but yir at nithin, nithin’s where yer … Continue reading Glisk.
Yiv glisk’d at that an glisk’d at thon, glisk’d here an glisk’d there. Yiv glisk’d like a stervin loon. Yer fidgin fain tae be at, what, ye dinni ken, but yir at nithin, nithin’s where yer … Continue reading Glisk.
“Aye… Ah doot this means it’s gonna be a rumballiach crossin ower the causeway” Translate: doot: doubt, suspect. “Ah yes… I suspect it is going to be a stormy crossing over the causeway. ” The Scottish … Continue reading Doot.
“An this is the Sma Glen.” Translate: sma: small, little. “And this is the Small Glen.” The real Sma Glen located here. “…In this still place, remote from men, Sleeps Ossian in the narrow Glen” – … Continue reading Sma.