Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low, Through the streets in my kilt I’ll go, And all the lassies shout hello, Donald where’s your troosers… Owersettins: troosers: troos trousers. Let the wind blow … Continue reading Troosers, troos. →
bath, boat, cat, gas, kilt, mouse, razor, soap, stair, stocking, stormy, tankard, towel, trousers Scottish Word: Skell.
“Gawd sink it! – Hoo dae ye avoid skellin yer tea when yer in a hammock at sea?” Translate: skell: spill (accidentally), scatter. “God sink it!- How does one avoid spilling one’s tea when one is … Continue reading Skell. →
Scottish Word: Doot.
“Aye… Ah doot this means it’s gonna be a rumballiach crossin ower the causeway” Translate: doot: doubt, suspect. “Ah yes… I suspect it is going to be a stormy crossing over the causeway. ” The Scottish … Continue reading Doot. →