Scottish Word: Moyen.
Staun bye Dusknötte! Here’s a guid sturdy gowf tae the back o yer napper. It’ll poust even mair stievely yer moyen oot o yer bonnie blue een tae bring thon Xburd doon. I read it in … Continue reading Moyen.
Staun bye Dusknötte! Here’s a guid sturdy gowf tae the back o yer napper. It’ll poust even mair stievely yer moyen oot o yer bonnie blue een tae bring thon Xburd doon. I read it in … Continue reading Moyen.
Watch the razor letter boxes doon there, they’ll hae yer fingers aff at the knockles wi-oot care, even’f ye were rackle-haunded like massel. But first ye hae tae drap doon avoiding the shairp stalagmites, lowp o’er … Continue reading Knockle.
Ah’n ahm tellin ye son nae matter hoo laithsome scunnery bluidie this is, the bastards will be rinnin cyclin tours roond the landin sites in seventy five years time. Merk my words. If’m we live so … Continue reading Bluidie.
“Caw canny Maud – if their haun feels wet and cauld they’re alright to eat – if it’s hot an dry they’re diseased.” Translate: haun: hand. “Be careful Maud – if their hand is cold and … Continue reading Haun.
“Greetins ahm jist clappin this auld dug on the heid.” Translate: clappin: patting affectionately. “Greetings I’m just patting this old dog on the head.” The Scottish Word: clappin with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Clappin.
“That’s a gawsie puddie-doo yiv in yir haun chiel.” Translate: puddie-doo: pet pigeon. “That is a handsome pet pigeon that you have in your hand young chap.” The Scottish Word: puddie doo with its definition and … Continue reading Puddie Doo.
“Should we stang’im yince, a dizzen, or mair?” Translate: mair: more. “Should we sting him once, a dozen, or more?” The Scottish Word: mair with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Mair.
“Aye that’s nipped his gas at a peep.” Translate: peep: an amount small. “Yes indeed, that has seriously and immediately diminished his self centred arrogant chauvinist attitude.” The Scottish Word: peep with its definition and its … Continue reading Peep.
“I like corrie fisted chiels.” Translate: corrie fisted: left handed. “I like left handed lads.” The Scottish Word: corrie fisted with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in … Continue reading Corrie fisted.