Scottish Word: Wraikful.
Noo noo Karntarnoc – be respectfu, nae snash or sneist, ahn dinni gie the man a fleg. They’re a wraikful flichty lot an kin wheich up a brae an oer the tap in a blink o … Continue reading Wraikful.
Noo noo Karntarnoc – be respectfu, nae snash or sneist, ahn dinni gie the man a fleg. They’re a wraikful flichty lot an kin wheich up a brae an oer the tap in a blink o … Continue reading Wraikful.
Ah’n ahm tellin ye son nae matter hoo laithsome scunnery bluidie this is, the bastards will be rinnin cyclin tours roond the landin sites in seventy five years time. Merk my words. If’m we live so … Continue reading Bluidie.
Ye can gaird yer bonnie reid balloon as hard as ye like Elsie but ye ken yon pawkie brither o yoors is gonna burst it. He aye does. Ahn no pop gun, superstrengthened spring or no, … Continue reading Gaird.
“He’ll be awricht in a minute, it’s the first time he’s seen trollie-bags stewn aboot willy nilly – or aataw for that matter.” Translate: trollie-bags: intestines or entrails. “He will be fine in a minute, it … Continue reading Trollie-bags.
“Naw. Nae mair assassinations fur a while, ah’m efter a gowd gong ower here.” Translate: gowd: gold. “No thank you. No more assassinations for a time, I’m going to be busy trying for a gold medal … Continue reading Gowd.
“Ah tak it it’s a gey snell wind oot there corporal?” Translate: snell: sharp, bitter, biting, severe. “Am I correct in assuming it is a rather sharp bitter wind out there corporal?” The Scottish Word: snell … Continue reading Snell.