Scottish Word: Baigie.
Mind, way back, hoo we cam tae feel gey dowf an athoot ettle efter thon cosmic radiation burst what killed aw the organic craiters hereaboots. Weel! I redded oot mha heid pan o them orra auld … Continue reading Baigie.
Mind, way back, hoo we cam tae feel gey dowf an athoot ettle efter thon cosmic radiation burst what killed aw the organic craiters hereaboots. Weel! I redded oot mha heid pan o them orra auld … Continue reading Baigie.
“Hoi you! If ye faw in the lade ye’ll be a deid deuk anaw.” Translate: lade: a mill race. “Hey you! If you fall into the watercourse feeding the mill, you also will be as dead … Continue reading Lade.
“Hud on wi the steid, they’ve bin readin the plans tapsalteerie!” Translate: steid: foundation, base. “Stop work on the foundations, they have been reading the plans upsides down!” The Scottish Word: steid with its definition and … Continue reading Steid.
“LISTEN! Ye jist roar queen mum doon each lum till ye hear big Erchie roar back.” Translate: lum: chimney, chimney stack. “LISTEN! You just shout queen mum loudly down each chimney until you hear big Archibald … Continue reading Lum.
“Ahm awfie fond o a bit o greenery on ma plettie ken.” Translate: plettie: platform, balcony, (Dundee mainly). “I am exceedingly fond of a little greenery on the balcony you know.” The Scottish Word: plettie with … Continue reading Plettie.