Weel ahv got yer comprehensive instructions fu o detailed eeriorums yiv scrieved fur me here. And I followed them tae the letter ahn wi witnesses that’ll swear tae it. So, wid ye like tae mou that … Continue reading Eeriorums. →
Scottish Word: Souter.

Ah’m a guild accredited souter ye ken, there’s no need tae hing aboot getting in a flap. I’ve un-dented yer siller toecaps, re-soled, generally repaired, and pit in extra heavy tacks, siller inaw. Whit have ye … Continue reading Souter. →
Scottish Word: Furlie.

“Yir tellin us that yiv built an everlasting furlie and ye canni mak it stop?” Translate: furlie: piece of machinery or equipment – especially one that has wheels or revolves. “You are expecting us to believe … Continue reading Furlie. →

“Ah’v ayewiz bin a chapper me, no a ringer.” Translate: chapper: door knocker. “I have always been a door knocker me, never a door bell ringer.” The Scottish Word: chapper with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Chapper. →