Scottish Word: Hotch.
Gaffer are ye sure ye didni feel thon hotch or hear thon splash? I’m sure I heard it despite the niver endin muittit moaning o this wanless wancheery whale? Mind, there’s red nebbed whale free-ers in … Continue reading Hotch.
Gaffer are ye sure ye didni feel thon hotch or hear thon splash? I’m sure I heard it despite the niver endin muittit moaning o this wanless wancheery whale? Mind, there’s red nebbed whale free-ers in … Continue reading Hotch.
“Ye swabs. Ah’m awa tae get ma stripes so ye’ll huv tae tak ma orders strict, an there will be nae mair pleens agin me frae youz or else.” Translate: pleen: formal complaint. “You swabs. I … Continue reading Pleen.
“Any more of your bad behaviour an I’m takin this widdie tae yer backside.” Translate: widdie:a twig or wand of tough but flexible wood. “Any more of your bad behaviour and I am going to take … Continue reading Widdie.