Scottish Word: Yeuk.
Hud yer heid still Clarice, so’s ah can scrat yer yeukit neb! Gettin powtert in the ee is yer ain faut if’n ye fidge ‘n fyke! There’s yir ee agin. Hud yer neb still ah tell … Continue reading Yeuk.
Hud yer heid still Clarice, so’s ah can scrat yer yeukit neb! Gettin powtert in the ee is yer ain faut if’n ye fidge ‘n fyke! There’s yir ee agin. Hud yer neb still ah tell … Continue reading Yeuk.
Ah’m awfie sorry Tabbatha but yer pal’s a hoor o a gamaleerie. Ahm afraid she’ll hae tae get her jotters. We’ll never win oor siller gilt at the Freuchie flooer show at this rate. She’ll hae … Continue reading Gamaleerie.
“It’s gettin richt ticht in here, time tae thin them oot.” Translate: ticht: tight. “It is getting rather tightly spaced in here, time to thin them out.” The Scottish Word: ticht with its definition and its … Continue reading Ticht.
‘Foo is’t, gaffer, that quines nivir git thir piece mankit?’ Translate: piece: sandwich. ‘Boss, how is it that girls never get their sandwich dirty?’ Poise – in my experience girls always seem to have more poise … Continue reading Piece.
“Pfaw! Whit a stotter!” Translate: Stotter: – An excellent example of whatever. “That’s a Cruft’s winner of a Dalmation, if I ever saw one.” OR: “I’m in Love!” This is a stotter of a web site. … Continue reading Stotter.