Weel ahv got yer comprehensive instructions fu o detailed eeriorums yiv scrieved fur me here. And I followed them tae the letter ahn wi witnesses that’ll swear tae it. So, wid ye like tae mou that … Continue reading Eeriorums. →
Hoo’d a thoucht that yer cranniewanny clook wid be as teuch tae manicure as yer ither clooks eh? Did ye ken I mak doon the nail shavins an sell the pouder as sneeshin? An I must … Continue reading Cranniewanny. →
“Crivens! whaur huv they skinnymalinkies come frae an what have they done tae oor weel tended permaculture? Thon lan’s wershet noo.” Translate: skinnymalink: thin person, bones and skin only. “My goodness! Where have all these dreadfully … Continue reading Skinnymalink. →
axe, environment, forest, fort, hunting, indian, native, saw, skinny, wood, woodland
“Watch yirsel on thon boorach o sneddins there’s a muckle hole unnerit.” Translate: sneddins: collection of cut off branches. sned: to trim off side branches of a felled tree. snedded: that which has been pruned. “Watch … Continue reading Sneddin, sneddins. →
branch, branches, chainsaw, fall, first aid, flask, forest, hole, injury, saw, work