“Aye it’s a stottin view yiv goat frae yir sitooterie Angus.” Translate: sitooterie: conservatory. “My goodness it is a magnificent view you have got from your conservatory Angus.” The Scottish Word: sitooterie with its definition and … Continue reading Sitooterie. →
Scottish Word: Lum.

“LISTEN! Ye jist roar queen mum doon each lum till ye hear big Erchie roar back.” Translate: lum: chimney, chimney stack. “LISTEN! You just shout queen mum loudly down each chimney until you hear big Archibald … Continue reading Lum. →

“Ahm awfie fond o a bit o greenery on ma plettie ken.” Translate: plettie: platform, balcony, (Dundee mainly). “I am exceedingly fond of a little greenery on the balcony you know.” The Scottish Word: plettie with … Continue reading Plettie. →