‘Aye Senga, finding a cludgie in the countryside nooadays is no easy.’ Translate: cludgie: toilet. ‘Oh dear Senga, finding a toilet in the countryside nowadays is not easy.’ The Scottish Word: cludgie with its definition and … Continue reading Cludgie. →
Scottish Word: Piece.

‘Foo is’t, gaffer, that quines nivir git thir piece mankit?’ Translate: piece: sandwich. ‘Boss, how is it that girls never get their sandwich dirty?’ Poise – in my experience girls always seem to have more poise … Continue reading Piece. →
dungarees, flask, jeans, lady, lunch, men, new, sandwich, tea, wellies, women 
‘Aye dominie, you’re the first man here to look me straucht in the eye’ Translate: dominie: headmaster or clergyman. “Indeed Pastor, you are the first man here to look me straight in the eye.” The Scottish … Continue reading Dominie. →