Scottish Word: Abile.
“Ahm no sure but ahm thinking one o the forty thieves was still in there when we filled it foo wi the lard abile.” Translate: abile: boiling. “I am not certain but I think one of … Continue reading Abile.
“Ahm no sure but ahm thinking one o the forty thieves was still in there when we filled it foo wi the lard abile.” Translate: abile: boiling. “I am not certain but I think one of … Continue reading Abile.
“Hud on son, I’ll be wi ye as soon as I bree the tatties.” Translate: bree: drain the water from (usually from things that have been boiled). “Be patient a moment young man, I’ll be with … Continue reading Bree.
“Are we cookin this an gi’in it oot as a bridie or will I coup it oot?” Translate: coup: empty by upturning. “Are we going to cook this and serve it up as a meat pastie … Continue reading Coup.