Scottish Word: Bagpipes.
I’m giving up the bagpipes and going back tae the pan pipes sic as you’re uisin. Playin this big boy here is like wrastlin wi an octopus in pain. Ahn forebye efter I’ve had a guid … Continue reading Bagpipes.
I’m giving up the bagpipes and going back tae the pan pipes sic as you’re uisin. Playin this big boy here is like wrastlin wi an octopus in pain. Ahn forebye efter I’ve had a guid … Continue reading Bagpipes.
Yince men o mense noo peutherin ahn vaigin, sprosers aw. Crankie, pauchtie an fu o blaw an buller. Yin like the ithir, the auld gaird huddin tae their paps aw what is auld, foosty ahn past … Continue reading Sprose.
‘Mad Hielander on a canterin cuddy aboot tae lassoo the Haggis whilst in its bagpippean skirl of distress.’ Translate: cuddy, cuddie: a horse, a short thick strong horse. ‘Insane Highlander upon a cantering horse about to … Continue reading Cuddy.
“Weel done Cutty-sark!” Excerpt from the poem: “…But here my Muse her wing maun couer; Sic flights are far beyond her pow’r; To sing how Nannie lap and flang, (A souple jade she was, and strang), … Continue reading Cutty-sark.