Run ya sad oanshach ye, yer aboot tae become a creishy sludder fou o sclinters and channer sclatched aw oer the grund. Translate: sludder: something wet and slimy like mud. Run you sad sorry fool you, … Continue reading Sludder. →
Scottish Word: Aside.

“Noo listen hard vicar, please dinni refer tae me as a ‘burd’. I am the professor’s secretary. The professor’s aside ye wi his tea an his wee terrier is awayis barkin at the bursour. There are … Continue reading Aside. →
bird, chair, dinosaur, drinks, fez, glasses, hat, shoes, tea, teacup, vicar 
“He’s haunless, wha let him intae the magic circle.” Translate: haunless: awkward, clumsy, incompetent, handless. “He’s incompetent, who let him into the magic circle?” The Scottish Word: haunless with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Haunless. →