Scottish Word: Nedder.
Ah dinni ken why the High Heid Yins telt us to stay oot o the fog it’s guid fun tae dangle yer nedder regions oot o sicht. It’s kind o skeerie really dae ye no think? … Continue reading Nedder.
Ah dinni ken why the High Heid Yins telt us to stay oot o the fog it’s guid fun tae dangle yer nedder regions oot o sicht. It’s kind o skeerie really dae ye no think? … Continue reading Nedder.
This is how I imagine many people visualise the Scottish midgie if they could see it larger than the tiny speck that it is. (Animated.) Translate: midgie: a very small insect that comes out in hordes … Continue reading Midgie.
“Even for a teuch chop this is requirin a pouer o chawin.” Translate: teuch: tough. “Even for a tough chop this is requiring a powerful amount of chewing.” tjʌx The Scottish Word: chow with its definition … Continue reading Teuch.
“This is bealin!” (animated) Translate: bealin: rotten/awful/vile/festering. “I am not eating this, it is awful.” The Scottish Word: bealin with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Bealin.