Scottish Word: Glisk.
Yiv glisk’d at that an glisk’d at thon, glisk’d here an glisk’d there. Yiv glisk’d like a stervin loon. Yer fidgin fain tae be at, what, ye dinni ken, but yir at nithin, nithin’s where yer … Continue reading Glisk.
Yiv glisk’d at that an glisk’d at thon, glisk’d here an glisk’d there. Yiv glisk’d like a stervin loon. Yer fidgin fain tae be at, what, ye dinni ken, but yir at nithin, nithin’s where yer … Continue reading Glisk.
Ah dinni ken why the High Heid Yins telt us to stay oot o the fog it’s guid fun tae dangle yer nedder regions oot o sicht. It’s kind o skeerie really dae ye no think? … Continue reading Nedder.
“Aye ye hoolet ye, yer no sae slee as ye think ye are noo that we’ve got oor secret weapon yokit an sicker. Wir warned.” Translate: slee: go or come silently. “Yes you owl you, you … Continue reading Slee.
“I’m a bit deaved wi all the gunplay Watson. Can you hear onythin? Along the lines o ‘…sinking in a bottomless gullion…’, ‘help help’ an sic like?” Translate: gullion: deep pool of mud, a quagmire, marsh. … Continue reading Gullion.
“I say – that was a wee bit foutie was it no? – He wuz my loon an I wiz up fur it.” Translate: foutie: mean, despicable, underhand, shabby. “I say – that was a little … Continue reading Foutie.