Scottish Word: Ilk.
“It’s the beheided banes o yin o ma ilk richt eneuch. But hoo’d he dee?” Translate: ilk: family, kindred, race. “It is the beheaded bones of one of my kindred right enough. But how did he … Continue reading Ilk.
“It’s the beheided banes o yin o ma ilk richt eneuch. But hoo’d he dee?” Translate: ilk: family, kindred, race. “It is the beheaded bones of one of my kindred right enough. But how did he … Continue reading Ilk.
“It’s shivs only frae noo on captain, we’re oot o pouder.” Translate: pouder: powder. “It’s blades only from now on captain, we have run out of gun powder.” The Scottish Word: pouder with its definition and … Continue reading Pouder.
“Hoo come in this age of sword and sorcery all you quines get mair claes than us loons?” Translate: claes: clothes. “How come in this age of sword and sorcery all you women get more clothes … Continue reading Claes.
“Oan ye go Big Senga. Gie them laldie.” Translate: laldie: severe punishment, a good beating, to do vigourously. “Much encouragement as you go Big Senga. Give them them a thorough thrashing.” The Scottish Word: laldie with … Continue reading Laldie.
“Tak that ye dossinit bamstick ye!” Translate: bamstick: idiot fool. “Take that you numb brained idiot you!” The Scottish Word: bamstick with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context … Continue reading Bamstick.
“Ahm sorry but there’s nae denyin it. Ye’ve got a skellie ee.” Translate: skellie: squint, strabismus, abnormal alignment of the eyes. “I am sorry but there is no denying it. You have a squint.” Flawed – … Continue reading Skellie.