Scottish Word: Ilk.
“It’s the beheided banes o yin o ma ilk richt eneuch. But hoo’d he dee?” Translate: ilk: family, kindred, race. “It is the beheaded bones of one of my kindred right enough. But how did he … Continue reading Ilk.
“It’s the beheided banes o yin o ma ilk richt eneuch. But hoo’d he dee?” Translate: ilk: family, kindred, race. “It is the beheaded bones of one of my kindred right enough. But how did he … Continue reading Ilk.
“Even for a teuch chop this is requirin a pouer o chawin.” Translate: teuch: tough. “Even for a tough chop this is requiring a powerful amount of chewing.” tjʌx The Scottish Word: chow with its definition … Continue reading Teuch.