Scottish Word: Powsowdie.
Hoi gran is it potted-heid or powsowdie yer making ahn dae ye still want me tae peel ahn shred the veg? Are ye no supposed tae skin the thing or at least singeit the wool and … Continue reading Powsowdie.
Hoi gran is it potted-heid or powsowdie yer making ahn dae ye still want me tae peel ahn shred the veg? Are ye no supposed tae skin the thing or at least singeit the wool and … Continue reading Powsowdie.
“It’s the beheided banes o yin o ma ilk richt eneuch. But hoo’d he dee?” Translate: ilk: family, kindred, race. “It is the beheaded bones of one of my kindred right enough. But how did he … Continue reading Ilk.
“It’s no if it’s a bunnet or a bowler mister Flemin’ it’s aw in the wrist.” Translate: bunnet: soft flat cloth cap usually with a peak. “It is of no matter whether it be a cloth … Continue reading Bunnet.