Scottish Word: Slee.
“Aye ye hoolet ye, yer no sae slee as ye think ye are noo that we’ve got oor secret weapon yokit an sicker. Wir warned.” Translate: slee: go or come silently. “Yes you owl you, you … Continue reading Slee.
“Aye ye hoolet ye, yer no sae slee as ye think ye are noo that we’ve got oor secret weapon yokit an sicker. Wir warned.” Translate: slee: go or come silently. “Yes you owl you, you … Continue reading Slee.
“Seems like caw haunled furlies ye can cuiter yersel are on the way oot.” Translate: cuiter: mend, patch up. “It seems like handle fitted wind up devices that one can mend oneself are on the wane.” … Continue reading Cuiter.