Scottish Word: Kent.
“hehehehehe ah, ah, ah kent it wis yirsel aw the time.” Translate: kent: known, knew, to have known. “hehehehehe I, I, I knew it was yourself (you who I am speaking to whom I know well) … Continue reading Kent.
“hehehehehe ah, ah, ah kent it wis yirsel aw the time.” Translate: kent: known, knew, to have known. “hehehehehe I, I, I knew it was yourself (you who I am speaking to whom I know well) … Continue reading Kent.
“Ma gran sez ahl get granpaw’s wallies when he pegs-oot.” Translate: peg-oot: to reach the end of or one’s limits of – life, stamina, ability, strength, whatever. “My grandmother says I will get grandfathers false teeth … Continue reading Peg-oot.
“Gie the gear a rest Angus, yir polis, no a superhero!” Translate: polis: police; ‘Put the equipment away Angus, you are a policeman, not a superhero.’ The Scottish Word: polis with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Polis.