He’s queeryin, whilst takin parteecular note o us wearin waders, if we’re bein willfully thrawart in no seein the watter.
He’ll gie us that it’s crystal clear but denying watter’s there ataw he taks as bein contermacious in the extreme.
He sez he may be a fremmit but in no way is he in an anti-gravity multi dimensional portal since he awready kens sic a device is illegal in Scotland. It’s a life raft he sez.
thrawart: Perverse, obdurate, contrary
He is inquiring, while taking particular note of us wearing waders, if we’re being willfully obdurate in not seeing the water.
He’ll give us that it’s crystal clear but denying there’s water at all he takes as being perverse in the extreme.
He says he may be an alien but in no way is he in an anti-gravity multi dimensional portal since he knows such a devices is illegal in Scotland. It’s a life raft he says.
The Scottish Word: thrawart with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.