Scottish Word: Pow.
Yiv blowdered yer pow intae orbit agin an I doot I’ll be able tae retrieve this time tae stick it back. It’s no like ye hivni been warned o aw the dangers o scorchin oot yer … Continue reading Pow.
Yiv blowdered yer pow intae orbit agin an I doot I’ll be able tae retrieve this time tae stick it back. It’s no like ye hivni been warned o aw the dangers o scorchin oot yer … Continue reading Pow.
“Weel Auld Nick’s actions huv noo been set tae ‘credible threat’ which now means that for safeties sake there’s nae admission o any extras includin falser’s, hip replacements, specs, indeed any non natural fixins, an service … Continue reading Auld Nick.
“There’s nithin in zero gravity mair vexin than yer wallies loosed in yir helmet.” Translate: vexin: irritating. “There is nothing more irritating in zero gravity than one’s false teeth getting loose within one’s helmet.” The Scottish … Continue reading Vex.