Scottish Word: Sooth.
Ahm frae the Sooth ahn the Sooth’s whaur the suffering’s sair ahn weary langtime frae global warming. Floods, fire, famine, landslides, heat, drought and death. The carbon footprint generated by the siller-gruppit North is a hunner … Continue reading Sooth. →
“Dinni cock yer mell at me or ye’ll be on the end o an Aberdeen sweetie!” Translate: Aberdeen sweetie:a sharp tap on the head with a flick of the thumb. “Don’t raise your fist to me … Continue reading Aberdeen Sweetie. →
armour, chimney, city, dwarf, giant, pratchet, rock, smoking, soot, thatch, thumb, town, troll Scottish Word: Buik.
“As you’re a weel kent Aye Write Festival critic you could say that ma pop up buik fairly caught yir eye – positive spin so to speak.” Translate: buik: book. “As you are a well known … Continue reading Buik. →
Scottish Word: Thoumb.
“Ooooyah! Ah dinni care that yer the sair lug an thoumb pixie an it’s yer job – yer gettin a beltin.” Translate: thoumb: thumb. “Oooooyah! I don’t care if you are the sore ear and thumb … Continue reading Thoumb. →
“Thon’s an unfierdy teuchter thon!” Translate: unfierdy: clumsy, awkward. “That is a clumsy bumpkin that is!” clumsy. Quality workers are worth a lot. People I know have been made redundant and it seems to me that … Continue reading Unfierdy. →