Scottish Word: Poust.
Ye play wi a fell poustie passion ahn yet yir pinions are feather licht dancin oer the keys. Maddré the penguin’s practically levitating aff the rug – dirlin wi the joy o it. Ahn the waiter’s … Continue reading Poust.
Ye play wi a fell poustie passion ahn yet yir pinions are feather licht dancin oer the keys. Maddré the penguin’s practically levitating aff the rug – dirlin wi the joy o it. Ahn the waiter’s … Continue reading Poust.
“Ya Beezer! Yir a kepper o distinction Ms. Fordersome.” Translate: kepper: a person good at catching. “You wonderful thing! You’re a catcher of distinction Ms. Fordersome.” The Scottish Word: kepper with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Kepper.
“Thon’s an unfierdy teuchter thon!” Translate: unfierdy: clumsy, awkward. “That is a clumsy bumpkin that is!” clumsy. Quality workers are worth a lot. People I know have been made redundant and it seems to me that … Continue reading Unfierdy.