Scottish Word: Taum.
Them vicars are o the taum efter the scrimpit amoont whit landed oan the collection plate yesterday oan tap o the general puir kirk attendance. Then being gien the task tae keep them pair refugees frae … Continue reading Taum.
Them vicars are o the taum efter the scrimpit amoont whit landed oan the collection plate yesterday oan tap o the general puir kirk attendance. Then being gien the task tae keep them pair refugees frae … Continue reading Taum.
“Awa tae Scotland for compassion. We’ve democracy, oil, war, votes, blood, retribution and revenge tae maun and sclave tae this modern world.” Translate: maun: manage, strengthen, grow. “Away to Scotland for compassion. We have democracy, oil, … Continue reading Maun.
“There’ll be no hochmagandy on this boat. Quines this wye louns thon wye.” Translate: hochmagandy, houghmagandy, houghmagandie: fornication, sex. “There will be no fornication on this boat. Girls this way, boys that way.” parade – up … Continue reading Hochmagandy.
“As per usual Hissel’ll ken best.” Translate: hissel: himself – used by a subordinate of his master. “As per usual Himself will know best.” The Scottish Word: Hissel with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Hissel.
“While yer cooling yer doup on the cutty-stool think oan. ” Translate: cutty-stool: chair of repentance. “While you are cooling your bottom on the chair of repentance reflect well on what has passed.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Cutty-Stool.