Scottish Word: Hotch.
Gaffer are ye sure ye didni feel thon hotch or hear thon splash? I’m sure I heard it despite the niver endin muittit moaning o this wanless wancheery whale? Mind, there’s red nebbed whale free-ers in … Continue reading Hotch.
Gaffer are ye sure ye didni feel thon hotch or hear thon splash? I’m sure I heard it despite the niver endin muittit moaning o this wanless wancheery whale? Mind, there’s red nebbed whale free-ers in … Continue reading Hotch.
Tak care Pettigrew it’s mittled monie a weel protected agronomist ahn hardy nochtie arboriculturalist chiel mair than ye ken. Ahn we’ve got their bluid oer here tae prove it. Dae it doon ahn gie it a … Continue reading Mittle.
Hoi! Did naebuddy ken ah wiz a clinkit buddy afore they hitched you up as a coonterwecht! Mah chair’s aluminium inaw – very lichtweicht! Translate: clinkit: thin emaciated. Hey! Did no one know that I was … Continue reading Clinkit.
‘Hoi lassy, mind yirsel. Yir breeks huv slipped up yir sheuch.’ Translate: sheuch: furrow or trench. ‘Miss, miss, you must attend to yourself. Your bikini bottom has slipped unawares betwixt your buttocks’ The Scottish Word: sheuch … Continue reading Sheuch.
“Yir fags are drookit!” Translate: Drookit: drenched. “On my journey to the shop and back I’m sorry to say your bags of cigarettes got very very wet.” The Scottish Word: drookit with its definition and its … Continue reading Drookit.