Scottish Word: Nakit.
Yiv heard o the nakit chef? Weel this is the nakit chemist. Dinni ask me hoo he manages it but it’s his thing. An no a chemical burn tae be seen. No oan the back view … Continue reading Nakit.
Yiv heard o the nakit chef? Weel this is the nakit chemist. Dinni ask me hoo he manages it but it’s his thing. An no a chemical burn tae be seen. No oan the back view … Continue reading Nakit.
“Wha’s bin openin an interferin wi the shill kists!” Translate: kist: chest, box, coffin. “Who’s been opening and interfering with the chill cabinets?” Donate at the Red Nose Day Web Site, Charity 326568. The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Kist.
“It wis jist meant tae be a wee whirligigums tae entertain the weans ah’n noo a canna get it tae stap – aataw!” Translate: whirligigums: a spinning contrivance. “It was just meant to be a for … Continue reading whirligigums.