Dinni pity them bumbazed craiters poppin in an oot o boxes but instead spare a thoucht for us. We’re aye gettin peerie-heidit and gyte wi huvin tae keep this whirlie maleerie place up tae scratch wi … Continue reading Peerie-heidit. →
Scottish Word: Poke.
“Right son, hoo many grannie-sookers di ye want in yir poke?” Translate: poke: bag. “All right young man, how many pan-drops (sweets grannies love to suck) do you want in your bag?” The Scottish Word: poke … Continue reading Poke. →
candy, counter, jar, shop, shopping, sort, store, sugar, sweet, sweeties, sweets Scottish Word: Doocot.
“An the airmail gangs in the doocots ower there.” Translate: doocot: dovecot The Scottish Word: doocot with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and … Continue reading Doocot. →