Scottish Word: Lokkit.
“I’d nae sooner wheeled it oot o the supermarkit ker park an then thon wheelie lokkit so I had tae improvise.” Translate: lokkit, lokit, lockit: locked up. “I had no sooner wheeled it out of the … Continue reading Lokkit.
“I’d nae sooner wheeled it oot o the supermarkit ker park an then thon wheelie lokkit so I had tae improvise.” Translate: lokkit, lokit, lockit: locked up. “I had no sooner wheeled it out of the … Continue reading Lokkit.
“Ma Maw’s sent me fur the messages.” Translate: messages: groceries, shopping. “My mother has sent me to get the shopping.” The Scottish Word: messages with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Messages.