Scottish Word: Tak.
Noo… we tak turns tae hud the floating table doon. When mistress Hippo taks a bite o cake we hud it doon an when we tak a bite o cake she huds it doon. She huds … Continue reading Tak.
Noo… we tak turns tae hud the floating table doon. When mistress Hippo taks a bite o cake we hud it doon an when we tak a bite o cake she huds it doon. She huds … Continue reading Tak.
Nae the full shilling, awa in the heid, affen the knot, gytit, no wice, a nine bob note, dementit, deleerit? No a bit o it lassie. Translate: deleerit: delirious, insane, mad. In an incomplete state of … Continue reading Deleerit.
“Ah’ve heard o sookin in wi the boss Smithers but this is takin it ower far. Yir fired!” Translate: sook: sycophant, crawler, toady, to fawn and flatter. “I have heard of sucking up to the boss … Continue reading Sook.
“Right son, hoo many grannie-sookers di ye want in yir poke?” Translate: poke: bag. “All right young man, how many pan-drops (sweets grannies love to suck) do you want in your bag?” The Scottish Word: poke … Continue reading Poke.
“Yir skoosh is doon the cundie fur it’s bad fur yir teeth. Ah’ll gie ye milk.” Translate: cundie: road drain. “The reason your fizzy sugary drink is going down the drain is because it is bad … Continue reading Cundie.