Scottish Word: Huidin.

Look! There wiz a perfectly guid huidin oan that rock that ye rowed aside. Ye could’ve moved the flowers and swingle’t open easy. Ruined. Ma step-faither wiz real guid at fittin them tae cabinets inaw. Translate: … Continue reading Huidin. →
Scottish Word: Girn.

“Typical – nivir a bloody signal up here despite years o girning n roarin n greetin n scrievin n phonin n mailin aboot it an the minute They show up we’re gettin texts an mair texts … Continue reading Girn. →
Scottish Word: Maun.

“Awa tae Scotland for compassion. We’ve democracy, oil, war, votes, blood, retribution and revenge tae maun and sclave tae this modern world.” Translate: maun: manage, strengthen, grow. “Away to Scotland for compassion. We have democracy, oil, … Continue reading Maun. →
American, armour, battlefield, beard, bible, bricks, halo, helicopter, international, jesus, refugee, ruins, sand, senator, spade, vote, war Scottish Word: Hissel.

“As per usual Hissel’ll ken best.” Translate: hissel: himself – used by a subordinate of his master. “As per usual Himself will know best.” The Scottish Word: Hissel with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Hissel. →
beard, bible, desert, halo, jesus, Lord, pole, staff, walk, walking, wilderness 
“Why’s that clamjamfry ower there so skeerie the-day an in sic a flap?” Translate: clamjamfry: crowd, company, flock. “Why is that mob over there so agitated today and in such a flap?” Breeze: I’m imagining what … Continue reading Clamjamfry. →