Scottish Word: Void and redd.
I huv here a legal intimation o aw the earth tae bid onie resident o onie lum tae void and redd that lum richt noo fur the duration o mha veesit oan pain, if yer langsome … Continue reading Void and redd.
I huv here a legal intimation o aw the earth tae bid onie resident o onie lum tae void and redd that lum richt noo fur the duration o mha veesit oan pain, if yer langsome … Continue reading Void and redd.
Ahm strapped in here determined tae get some mense dinged intae me this New Year. Tae mak me prepared tae resist aw through 2018 them that falsely claim they are oor elders ahn betters. It’s noo … Continue reading Ding.
Noo Jill. Dinni hing aboot doon there lookin for yer grannie’s auld gowd thimble. The forecast sez there’s a muckle plowt o rain due an it’ll no be safe doon there. Translate: plowt: a heavy downpour … Continue reading Plowt.
“Time for the dug tae darg an the daft bawtie’s naewhere tae be foond – she’s gettin mair an mair like you iviry day.” Translate: bawtie, batie: dog (name for). “It’s time for the dog to … Continue reading Bawtie.
“What sort of beffan bowsie dockety drochle slag o a scaddin’s stuffed their belly wi the Plum Duff and aw the Yule Bannock!? ” Translate: bannock: type of bread. The Yule Bannock was prepared at Christmas, circular … Continue reading Bannock.
“It’s yir bidie-in callin.” Translate: bidie-in: cohabitee, to live together without being married for a good length of time. “It is your long term partner who lives with you but to whom you are not married … Continue reading Bidie-in.
“He’s seen Dumbo yince ower often.” Translate: yince: once. “He’s seen Dumbo once too often.” The Scottish Word: yince with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Yince.
“Nae wonder yer waws are wack, yir rones are fou o tatties.” Translate: rone: horizontal guttering to run off rainwater along the eaves of the roof. “No wonder your walls are damp, your guttering is full … Continue reading Rone, Rones.