Scottish Word: Thon.
“Aye weel Janus it’s thon time o year again.” Translate: thon: indicating something more remote from a person than another or others. “Yes indeed Janus it is that time of year again.” The Scottish Word: thon … Continue reading Thon. →
beard, blind, crow, crows, eye, eyes, god, gods, helmet, raven, sandals, staff, stick, toga Scottish Word: Yince.
“He’s seen Dumbo yince ower often.” Translate: yince: once. “He’s seen Dumbo once too often.” The Scottish Word: yince with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Yince. →
“Gie it a rest. They’re no sae glaikit tae feed you thinkin yir a robin.” Translate: glaikit: stupid, foolish, not very bright. “Give it a rest. They are not so stupid as to feed you thinking … Continue reading Glaikit. →