Scottish Word: Fitba.
Consider yersel telt. Yer no using my coo tae play fitba wi heids. I dinni care that it saftens them up fur ye and shoogles oot the een. Dae the wark yersel. A heid as a … Continue reading Fitba.
Consider yersel telt. Yer no using my coo tae play fitba wi heids. I dinni care that it saftens them up fur ye and shoogles oot the een. Dae the wark yersel. A heid as a … Continue reading Fitba.
“It’s aye the same every year Master Poons. There’s no a green flee tae be foond even fur 3 bawbee a wing.” Translate: bawbee, balbie: one time Scottish copper coin, worth equivalent to a half penny … Continue reading Bawbee.
“Look – either ye buy yersel an easel or ye let me hing the canvas on ma back.” Translate: hing: hang. “Look – either you buy yourself a proper easel or you let me hang the … Continue reading Hing.
“Ye wee besom! Ye’ve no need fur tae waste sic muckle slabs o pizza as thon for tae cover the modesty o a drochle as yersel.” Translate: bisom, bussom, besom: scolding term for a misbehaving woman … Continue reading Besom.
“Gie the gear a rest Angus, yir polis, no a superhero!” Translate: polis: police; ‘Put the equipment away Angus, you are a policeman, not a superhero.’ The Scottish Word: polis with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Polis.