Scottish Word: Wrang.

“Ah goat the idea frae a scuil web site whaur they completely masked all the wean’s swatches tae forbid inappropriate enjosement o the photies. So ah thoucht ah’d dae the same tae the pentins tae protect … Continue reading Wrang. →

“Noo mind Mr Art Investor overgaen the cost o the artwork itsel is the maintenance. Yer obleeged tae cover the costs o feedin an cleanin up efter the punk buddha darnin.” Translate: obleege: pledge oneself, to … Continue reading Obleege. →
Scottish Word: Swatch.

“Ah’ve taen a swatch at yir Constable unner the X-ray an it’s a fake yir Lordship.” Translate: swatch: look, examine. “I have taken a look at your Constable under the X-ray and it is a forgery … Continue reading Swatch. →