Scottish Word: Humph.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.
“Help ma boab! Ma thummarts awa, it’s no in any o ma pooches whar it aucht tae be.” Translate: thummart: ferret. “My goodness (help my Bob)! My ferret has got away, it is not in any … Continue reading Thummart.