Man pointing with an arm in a plaster-cast accidentally hits his wife in the nose.
The Scottish Word:


Yiv done it again wi yer stookie! That’s why naebuddy’ll sign it.

Yer wife’s gonna be much mair radge than I wiz yon last time. I widni be surprised if she braks yir ither airm when she comes roond.

We’ve aw telt ye an telt ye, dinni gesticulate til ye get yer stookie aff. Yer an unhanty chiel.


stookie: plaster-cast.

You’ve done it again with your plaster-cast! That’s why nobody’ll sign it.

Your wife is going to be much more furious than me the last time – remember. I wouldn’t be surprised if she breaks your other arm when she regains consciousness.

We’ve all told you again and again do not gesticulate until you get your plaster-cast off. You’re a clumsy lad.

The Scottish Word: stookie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Scotland’s Freedom to Roam.

Unlike the rest of the UK Scotland for a long time has had a tradition of public access to the land. And since 2003 that freedom of access is now enshrined in law by the Scottish Parliament.

Scotland’s Access Rights legislation allows you to access the land in Scotland for recreational and educational purposes, be it cycling, running, walking or pitching a tent.

There are exclusions which out of safety and good manners you should be able to guess. Avoid the gardens and close working areas of buildings and farmyards; and industrial or commercial areas such as working quarries, railway property and airfields.


With that freedom comes serious responsibilities. Take whatever you brought with you home and don’t leave a mess or cause damage, in fact positively leave it better than you found it if you can; Respect the rights of other people sharing those countryside resources; and take responsibility for your own actions.


This article guides you in more detail through Scotland’s ‘Freedom to Roam’ Act, and explains what it means in particular for bikepackers and adventure cyclists who are major beneficiaries of the act along with walkers and climbers.

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