Scottish Word: Cuik.
Och faither yer scratcher time cuik buik’s awricht in its way. But dae ye no hae a vegan version? Ahm seek o meat, ah dinni mind tellin ye. And scoffin less o it is one wey … Continue reading Cuik.
Och faither yer scratcher time cuik buik’s awricht in its way. But dae ye no hae a vegan version? Ahm seek o meat, ah dinni mind tellin ye. And scoffin less o it is one wey … Continue reading Cuik.
“An is that where yer leavin yir shin, uniform an scuil bag, is it?” Translate: shin: shoes. “And is that one’s usual location for storing one’s shoes, uniform and schoolbag, is it?” The Scottish Word: shin … Continue reading Shin.
“An whit are you bogglin at?” Translate: boggle: bulging eyes. “And what are you taking such an overly keen interest in looking at?” The Scottish Word: boggle with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Boggle.