Scottish Word: Gamaleerie.
Ah’m awfie sorry Tabbatha but yer pal’s a hoor o a gamaleerie. Ahm afraid she’ll hae tae get her jotters. We’ll never win oor siller gilt at the Freuchie flooer show at this rate. She’ll hae … Continue reading Gamaleerie.
Ah’m awfie sorry Tabbatha but yer pal’s a hoor o a gamaleerie. Ahm afraid she’ll hae tae get her jotters. We’ll never win oor siller gilt at the Freuchie flooer show at this rate. She’ll hae … Continue reading Gamaleerie.
Pey me weel. Pey me weel. An’ I’ll do ye a deal. Noo Mr Wabster an wee Miss Moffat yer spider silk shin are braw things but I canni pey ye much, an nothing up front … Continue reading Pey me weel.
“Noo mind Mr Art Investor overgaen the cost o the artwork itsel is the maintenance. Yer obleeged tae cover the costs o feedin an cleanin up efter the punk buddha darnin.” Translate: obleege: pledge oneself, to … Continue reading Obleege.
“Yami! Weel done son, yiv passed the peper shout, yer noo graded as a tenth dan street peper seller.” Translate: peper: paper, newspaper. “Yami! Well done son, you have passed the newspaper shout test, you are … Continue reading Peper.