Scottish Word: Doddle.

Biggin this jigsaw’s a complete doddle. A didni need tae consult the instructions yince. Ah’m gonna bigg it again ahn again. Translate: doddle: easy, entirely not difficult. Building this jigsaw’s as easy as a walk in … Continue reading Doddle. →
Scottish Word: Belter.

She’s telt me in no uncertain terms ahm no allood tae help ye. But yer next moves a belter, if ye kin see it. Ahn if ye do, yer wins a certie, a hunner percent. Translate: … Continue reading Belter. →

“Enough’s enough! we’re fur a bedsit wi mair o a ceil an less o a camceil.” Translate: camceil: a sloping ceiling. “Enough is enough! we are going to get a bedsit with more of a ceiling … Continue reading Camceil. →
bed, bedsit, ceiling, cooker, couple, flat, fridge, game, games, home, mattress, tired 
“Help ma boab! Ma thummarts awa, it’s no in any o ma pooches whar it aucht tae be.” Translate: thummart: ferret. “My goodness (help my Bob)! My ferret has got away, it is not in any … Continue reading Thummart. →
Scottish Word: Broon.

“Hssst should we no let on the broon’s still in the pooch.” “Nah nivir mind they’re aboot tae use a reid as the cue baw.” Translate: broon: brown. “Hssst should we not reveal to them that … Continue reading Broon. →
Scottish Word: Midgie.

This is how I imagine many people visualise the Scottish midgie if they could see it larger than the tiny speck that it is. (Animated.) Translate: midgie: a very small insect that comes out in hordes … Continue reading Midgie. →