“Santa’s goin tae go totally brainwode wi you when he realises you’ve gone an made aw the toys anatomically correct.” Translate: brainwode: mad, demented. “Santa is going to go totally insane with you when he realises … Continue reading Brainwode. →
anatomy, balls, bench, christmas, doll, dolls, drum, elves, factory, fire extinguisher, glue, paint, soldiers, teddy bears, toys, workshop Scottish Word: Mogert.

“An syne the wolf wis mogert up.” Translate: mogert: rendered useless, messed up, botched. “And directly afterwards the wolf was set upon and rendered totally incapable of causing any harm from then on.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Mogert. →
audience, children, hair, man, rug, stories, story, teeth, toys, werewolf, wolf Scottish Word: Redd.

“Get this moger redd up or yir both fur a lampin.” Translate: redd: clear up. “Get this mess cleared up or you will both be under threat of a beating.” The Scottish Word: redd with its … Continue reading Redd. →