Scottish Word: Shot.
Right lads, hands up for wha’s next for wantin a shot o the jannie’s shuil. Translate: shot: taking a turn. Right boys, hands up for who is next to get a turn of using the janitor’s … Continue reading Shot.
Right lads, hands up for wha’s next for wantin a shot o the jannie’s shuil. Translate: shot: taking a turn. Right boys, hands up for who is next to get a turn of using the janitor’s … Continue reading Shot.
“Aw naw! He’s widdlin aw ower me!” Translate: widdle: urinate gently, to leisurely pee. “Oh no! He is urinating all over me!” The Scottish Word: widdle with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Widdle.
“Awa an wheesht min, yir haiverin!” Translate: haiverin: talking foolishly. “Go away and be silent man, you are speaking nonsense!” The Scottish Word: haiverin with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Haiverin.
‘Aye Senga, finding a cludgie in the countryside nooadays is no easy.’ Translate: cludgie: toilet. ‘Oh dear Senga, finding a toilet in the countryside nowadays is not easy.’ The Scottish Word: cludgie with its definition and … Continue reading Cludgie.
‘ERCHIE ya bam! Yiv been makin yir mark in the rime again’ Translate: rime: a fragile frosty white crystalline deposit on the ground and other surfaces, usually in the morning. ‘Archibald you idiot! You have been … Continue reading Rime.