Scottish Word: Warld.
Ahm haein a dook in aw the warlds wi watter atween the Horse’s Heid Nebula ahn the Cat’s Ee Nebula wi a wee detour tae the Eemock Nebula. I’m definitely veesitin aw the watter warlds aboot … Continue reading Warld.
Ahm haein a dook in aw the warlds wi watter atween the Horse’s Heid Nebula ahn the Cat’s Ee Nebula wi a wee detour tae the Eemock Nebula. I’m definitely veesitin aw the watter warlds aboot … Continue reading Warld.
Will yer lordship please stap shooting at oor gor-cocks ah’n hae a pop at yon tarmegant oot-worldlers for a cheenge, tae help us oot. Translate: Tarmegant: violent, quarrelsome person. Will your lordship please stop shooting at … Continue reading Tarmegant.
“The plasma rackle gied a wheepling skirl fangling the anti-matter knewel an dunting the anti shoogle furlie oot o kilter makin oor sair shank landin a skelp doon.” Translate: wheeple: a tuneless whistling. “The plasma chain … Continue reading Wheeple.
“Awa an wheesht min, yir haiverin!” Translate: haiverin: talking foolishly. “Go away and be silent man, you are speaking nonsense!” The Scottish Word: haiverin with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Haiverin.