Scottish Word: Gropsie.
Awfie sorry boss the trees wir awfie gropsie this year and hoovered up the lot. It’s usually jist the Aurach that’s graapus fur chocolate. So it’s jist the yin for ye this year ‘n it’s peerie … Continue reading Gropsie.
Awfie sorry boss the trees wir awfie gropsie this year and hoovered up the lot. It’s usually jist the Aurach that’s graapus fur chocolate. So it’s jist the yin for ye this year ‘n it’s peerie … Continue reading Gropsie.
“It’s bad enough giving away your ambush position but the guff fae yer pump’s so bad it nearly maks me wish I wuz indeed deid. ” Translate: guff: stench, bad smell. “It is bad enough giving … Continue reading Guff.
“If ye fetch some watter frae yon spicket son, I’ll gie ye a dram. It’ll jist tak ye a meenit.” Translate: spicket, spigot, spriggit: outdoor tap. “If you fetch some water from that spigot just over … Continue reading Spicket.